Weekly Services

Winter Mass schedule

On the weekend of November 30/December 1, the First Sunday of Advent, the Mass in Aurora will
be moved from 9:00am to 12 Noon. The times of the Masses in Union Springs, Moravia, and in King Ferry will remain the same.

Sunday and Weekday Mass Schedule

St. Patrick’s, Moravia, NY
Address: 51 Grove St, Moravia, NY 13118
Phone: (315) 364-7191
Mass:  Sunday 8:30 AM   Tuesday 9:00 AM  Second Tuesday 9:30 AM at Northwood Nursing Home

St. Michael’s, Union Springs, NY
Address: 162 Cayuga St, Union Springs, NY 13160 
Phone: (315) 364-7197
Mass: Sunday 4:00 PM  Thursday 4:00 PM

Our Lady of the Lake, King Ferry, NY
Address: NY-90, King Ferry, NY 13081
Mass:  Sunday 10:30 AM 
Friday 9:00 AM on First Friday followed by Benediction

St. Patrick’s, Aurora, NY
Address: 303 Main St, Aurora, NY 13026 
Phone: (315) 364-7197
Mass:  Sunday 12:00 PM   
Monday 9:00 AM 
Friday 9:00 AM (except on First Friday)

Remember to check MassTimes.org when you travel!


Lenten Luncheons each Wednesday, at 12 noon,
starting March 12 and continuing thru April 9, at
Christ United Methodist Church, 36 Church St., Moravia 
Come and share in food, fellowship and devotions.
Southern Cayuga Wider Parish Lenten Series 2025
unday afternoons, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
March 9 at King Ferry Presbyterian
with Abby Anderson of Camp Gregory
March 16 at Trinity UCC in Union Springs with Jim Young, Debbie Patrick, and Barb Adams of the local Food Pantries

Saturday 3/8 Vigil for the First Sunday of Lent
Mass: 4:00 pm at St. Michael, Union Springs
+ For Virginia Raftis by Jim Raftis
Sunday 3/9 First Sunday of Lent
Mass: 8:30 am at St. Patrick Church, Moravia
+ For Jim Green by his wife Rita
Mass: 10:30 am at Our Lady of the Lake, King Ferry
+ For Raymond Brutsman
Mass: 12 Noon at St. Patrick Church, Aurora
+ For the living & deceased members of GSCC
Monday 3/10 Mass: 9:00 am at St. Patrick Church, Aurora
+ For Margery Klock Connell by the Connell children
Tuesday 3/11 Mass: 9:30 am at Northwood Rehab & Nurs. Home
+ For Walter & Leah Kull & Charles & Alice Hauser
Wednesday 3/12 No Mass
Thursday 3/13 Mass: 4:00 pm at St. Michael, Union Springs
+ For Thelma Sirianni
Friday 3/14 Mass: 9:00 am at St. Patrick Church, Aurora
+ For Gerald Tingley
Saturday 3/15 Vigil for the Second Sunday of Lent
Mass: 4:00 pm at St. Michael, Union Springs
+ For Sheila Day
Sunday 3/16 Second Sunday of Lent
Mass: 8:30 am at St. Patrick Church, Moravia
+ For Jim Green by his wife Rita
Mass: 10:30 am at Our Lady of the Lake, King Ferry
+ For Raymond Brutsman
Mass: 12 Noon at St. Patrick Church, Aurora
+ For the living & deceased members of GSCC

Times for the Sacrament of Penance this week
St. Michael Church, Union Springs
Saturday, March 15, from 3:00 – 3:45
St. Patrick Church, Aurora
Saturday, March 15, from 5:30p.m. – 6:30p.m.
St. Patrick Church, Moravia
Every Sunday from 8:00a.m. – 8:20a.m

Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. St. Patrick Church, Moravia
(after the 9:00 a.m. Mass)
Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. Our Lady of the Lake Church, King Ferry
Thursdays 3:30 p.m. St. Michael, Union Springs
(followed by the 4:00 p.m. Mass)
Fridays 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick Church, Aurora