If you do not have a parish family of your own, we invite you to join our parish family.
Good Shepherd Catholic Community is a catholic parish.
Catholic comes from the Greek meaning universal, international, or all-inclusive, and so, everyone is welcome here, no matter who you are, where you come from, your race, language or lifestyle, your age or income. Everyone is welcome here because we are all God’s family and this is his house
↓ Important. Please Read ↓
Dear Members of the Good Shepherd Catholic Community,
I hope this email finds you well. As you have heard, the Diocese and Good Shepherd Catholic Community are currently in the process of carrying out a census to collect updated contact information. This census is intended to strengthen pastoral care, stewardship, and enhance communications.
I kindly ask that you complete the census by clicking on the link below. Once you click on the link, you will find a series of questions primarily focused on gathering up-to-date contact information.
Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey
If you have any questions, contact the Parish Office at 315-364-7197 or email the Diocesan Census Team at census@dor.org.
Rev. William A. Moorby
Pastor, Good Shepherd Catholic Community
- Why is the parish conducting a census?
- Do I still need to complete the census if my contact information has not changed?
- How will my information be utilized or managed?
- Who is considered as part of my household?
- I have already completed the census form online, do I still need to fill out an in-pew census card?
Dear Parents, Grandparents, and Guardians,
SUBJECT: Information for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year
Parents have the responsibility of being the first teachers of their children. Children are a
gift from God; Psalm 127:3 Nothing can replace the parent’s role in forming a child in the
faith. Train up a child in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.
Proverbs 22:6.
Children are invited to participate in our parish Faith Formation programs that support
the parents in fulfilling the promise they made at their child’s baptism “to raise them up in the
The following age-specific programs are available:
a) Pre-K (3&4)- Allelu Home study Sheets
b) Kindergarten –Word of Life
c) 1st through 5th grade – Family of Faith.
d) 6th and 7th grade – Catholic Connections
Children who are ready to receive First Penance/ and First Eucharist must be registered for the Family of Faith program or attending St. Albert the Great Academy, grade 2.
Information for Confirmation can be found on the website or by contacting the Faith Formation Office. Baptismal Certificates are required at registration.
Please ensure you have a working email and cell phone number as communication is
important. Questions can be directed to the Faith Formation office at 315-252-7593. Either
Deacon Gary or Sister Anne Saphara. E-mail address is Gary.DiLallo@dor.org or Anne.Saphara@dor.org
Deacon Gary DiLallo
Director of Faith Formation
General registration click here
First Communion Penance Registration Click Here
Please call the parish office at 315-252-7593 if you have any questions.
Upcoming Events at Notre Dame Retreat House
5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua, NY
Fill Your soul with One Day Retreats:
October 8th “Praying with Icons” Given by Deacon George and Paula Welch and Father Michael Costik
November 6th “Looking Godward: Noticing God’s presence in Prayer and Life” Given by Jim Krisher
Core Retreats “Just as You Are” Encountering God through the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Couples: August 23-25
Women: September 13-15 September 27-29
Men: September 20-22 October 25-27
Special Event
“Tolkien’s Spiritual Journey Retreat”
Given by Holly Ordway
November 1-2, 2024
For more information or to register for retreats, email Jodie Scordo
at jscordo@notredameretreat.org or call 585-394-5700.
The Vacation Bible School, “Birthday Bash” was a great success! Gary DiLallo, our Faith Formation Director, helped to
assemble a planning committee that organized the event. The committee members were MaryEllen Ducayne, Leader, Christie
Blaisdell, Erin Burroughs, Deanna Grantz, Sandy Groth, Lori Kupiec, Rachel Tissot-Durgin, Jennie Van Gorder., and Ashley
Reilly. A special thanks to them and to the many youth volunteers who helped the younger children experience a Spirit filled
week learning about God and his love for them The children enjoyed the lively music each day lead by
Rachal Tissot-Durgin and Michaela Groth. Up to 40 children in the 4-11 age groups participated and 10 teenager helpers
assisted them. It seemed to be a great week for all.
I pray that the Lord continues to bless them and helps them to continue to grow in their faith and in God’s love.
Sunday Collections
Thank you for your generous support of your parish. You can give your financial support either by mailing your contribution envelope to the parish office or by giving electronically through WeShare
View list of second collections
If you receive envelopes, please use them even if you do a monthly donation! It makes less work for the counters if your donation is in an envelope! If you don’t currently receive envelopes but would like them, please contact the office at 315-364-7197 or Robin.Driskel@dor.org. Online donations are even better because they are directly deposited so no need to “count “ them. If you would like more information about WeShare or need assistance setting it up, call the office! Thanks so much! For weeks with special collections, click here
Fuel Collection
Next weekend, August 31 / September 1, there is a special
second collection to help with the upcoming winter fuel bills. In
your envelope packets you will find an envelope for Utility &
Energy Cost. We ask that you use this envelope for these special collections. Please be generous.
**To subscribe to get your bulletin delivered to your email inbox, click here
This weeks Bulletin
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)
What is OCIA? OCIA is a spiritual journey in which one discerns his/her desire to become a baptized and fully initiated member of the Catholic Church.
OCIA is also a process for those who are already baptized Christians who are seeking to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.
OCIA sessions will begin on Wednesday, September 11th
at 6:00 p.m. in Schrader Hall followed by Bible study. Email
Sister Anne at anne.saphara@dor.org if you have any questions.
Join our new Facebook Discussion Group
Confirmation Preparation Sessions:
Year One: will be meeting at Sacred Heart Church,
30 Melrose Road, Sepember 15 at 1:00 PM.
Year Two: will be meeting at St. Mary’s Schrader Hall,
Sepember 15 at 9:00 AM
First Penance preparation sessions begin on Saturday,
Sept. 14, 9:00 AM at Schrader Hall.
Faith Formation Classes K-7 begin at 9:00 AM on
Sunday, Sep 15 at Schrader Hall.
Fishbowl Sunday
Every First Sunday of the month we ask you to please take a
slip from the Fish Bowl, purchase the item or items and
bring them back to the church the next weekend. The items
will then be brought to our local food pantries in Union
Springs, Moravia, and the KFFP at SCCS.
Available Now! Print & Digital Ad Space. Brett Burt from LPi, our bulletin printer, will be securing new ads for our church in
the coming weeks. As a valuable member of the business community, we invite you to expand your reach and grow your business with a print ad in our parish bulletin and/or a digital ad featured on ParishesOnline.com.
O Lord, help me know your will for me
Let your light shine in the depths of my heart
that I may know what you want me to do with my life.
Help me believe that you have a special plan for me.
Lord, I know I pass through this life only once;
help me decide how you want me to make a difference.
Like our Blessed Mother, give me the wisdom to hear your voice and the courage to answer your call.
Above all give me peace of mind and heart.
I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.