Welcome to the Good Shepherd Catholic Community


Welcome to Good Shepherd Catholic Community, a vibrant and loving Catholic parish serving the faithful across four beautiful worship sites: St. Patrick’s in Moravia, St. Patrick’s in Aurora, St. Michael’s in Union Springs, and Our Lady of the Lake in King Ferry.
No matter where you come from, who you are, or where you find yourself on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We believe in the boundless love of God and that we are all members of His family, united in faith, hope, and love.
This is His house—a place of peace, prayer, and fellowship where we come together to celebrate the sacraments, deepen our faith, and support one another. Whether you’re a lifelong Catholic, new to the Church, or simply seeking a place to feel the love of God, you belong here.
We invite you to join us in worship, grow with us in faith, and share in the joy of Christ’s presence in our community. Welcome home!

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This weeks Bulletin

Sunday Collections

Thank you for your generous support of your parish. You can give your financial support  either by mailing your  contribution envelope to the parish office or by giving  electronically through WeShare
View list of second collections 
If you receive envelopes, please use them even if you do a monthly donation! It makes less work for the counters if your donation is in an envelope! If you don’t currently receive envelopes but would like them, please contact the office at 315-364-7197 or Robin.Driskel@dor.org. Online donations are even better because they are directly deposited so no need to “count “ them. If you would like more information about WeShare or need assistance setting it up, call the office! Thanks so much!  For weeks with special collections, click here


Please join us for an Epiphany Party at Dugan’s Country Grill on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Cocktail hour will begin at 4pm followed
by a sit-down dinner at 5pm. There will be a cash bar. Dinner choices will be Chicken Parmigiana with Pasta, Broiled Fish with
Mashed Potatoes or Rice; Small Steak with Mashed Potatoes; or Vegetarian Lasagna. All dinners will feature salad, a vegetable,
dessert, and a soft drink. Price per person is $30 which includes gratuity. Sign ups will be in the vestibule in each church starting
this weekend. You can also email Robin at Robin.Driskel@DOR.org. or call the office (364-7197). Reservations due by December
29th. Please make checks payable to GSCC.

Holiday Baskets

Please join us on December 17 at 1pm at the United Ministry Community Room in Aurora, to assemble holiday baskets for those in
need of some cheer! Over 50 bags were assembled last year, and they were beautiful– filled with prepackaged nuts, raisins ,cookies, chips, and we topped them off with bananas and clementines. Please bring 50 prepackaged items to add to the baskets. If you would like to make homemade baked goods, individual bags will be available for you to package them. If you have
questions or suggestions for people to add to the list, contact Ginger at 315-563-4013 or gandgjohnson1@gmail.com.

Every First Sunday of the month we ask you to please take a slip from the Fish Bowl, purchase the item or items and bring them back to the church the next weekend. The items will then be brought to our local food pantries in Union Springs, Moravia, and the KFFP at SCCS.

Available Now! Print & Digital Ad Space. Brett Burt from LPi, our bulletin printer, will be securing new ads for our church in the coming weeks. As a valuable member of the business community, we invite you to expand your reach and grow your business with a print ad in our parish bulletin and/or a digital ad featured on ParishesOnline.com.


O Lord, help me know your will for me
Let your light shine in the depths of my heart
that I may know what you want me to do with my life.
Help me believe that you have a special plan for me.
Lord, I know I pass through this life only once;
help me decide how you want me to make a difference.
Like our Blessed Mother, give me the wisdom to hear your voice and the courage to answer your call.
Above all give me peace of mind and heart.
I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.