Welcome to the Good Shepherd Catholic Community

Welcome to Good Shepherd Catholic Community, a vibrant and loving Catholic parish serving the faithful across four beautiful worship sites: St. Patrick’s in Moravia, St. Patrick’s in Aurora, St. Michael’s in Union Springs, and Our Lady of the Lake in King Ferry.
No matter where you come from, who you are, or where you find yourself on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We believe in the boundless love of God and that we are all members of His family, united in faith, hope, and love.
This is His house—a place of peace, prayer, and fellowship where we come together to celebrate the sacraments, deepen our faith, and support one another. Whether you’re a lifelong Catholic, new to the Church, or simply seeking a place to feel the love of God, you belong here.
We invite you to join us in worship, grow with us in faith, and share in the joy of Christ’s presence in our community. Welcome home!
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This weeks Bulletin
Sunday Collections
Thank you for your generous support of your parish. You can give your financial support either by mailing your contribution envelope to the parish office or by giving electronically through WeShare
View list of second collections
If you receive envelopes, please use them even if you do a monthly donation! It makes less work for the counters if your donation is in an envelope! If you don’t currently receive envelopes but would like them, please contact the office at 315-364-7197 or Robin.Driskel@dor.org. Online donations are even better because they are directly deposited so no need to “count “ them. If you would like more information about WeShare or need assistance setting it up, call the office! Thanks so much! For weeks with special collections, click here

A Bereavement Group will meet on the third Wednesday of the month from 1:30 to 3:00 pm in Schrader Hall, beginning on January 15, 2025 . Each week we discuss a specific topic, usually suggested by the group. There is time for sharing and then a video and discussion time. The topic for January is “Forgiveness”, which might mean the need to forgive ourselves, the deceased, or family members. Contact Bernie Tomasso at 315-246-3440 or berniet8@gmail.com.

Every First Sunday of the month we ask you to please take a slip from the Fish Bowl, purchase the item or items and bring them back to the church the next weekend. The items will then be brought to our local food pantries in Union Springs, Moravia, and the KFFP at SCCS.
Available Now! Print & Digital Ad Space. Brett Burt from LPi, our bulletin printer, will be securing new ads for our church in the coming weeks. As a valuable member of the business community, we invite you to expand your reach and grow your business with a print ad in our parish bulletin and/or a digital ad featured on ParishesOnline.com.
Parishioner Guidance, Information and Referral Ministry
Bl. Solanus Casey Doorway Ministry is our local parishioner
assistance ministry helping individuals, couples and families deal
with spiritual, emotional and practical concerns impacting their
overall wellbeing. The ministry also provides spiritual guidance and resources to those looking to become more intentional in theirdiscipleship. The confidential service is free and coordinated byDeacon Dennis Donahue, a NYS licensed mental health counselor.
To learn more or to schedule an initial phone consult; text or
voicemail Dcn. Dennis at 315 406 1538.