Notes from Father Bill

As we celebrate the 150th Anniversary of St. Patrick Church in Aurora, I thought it would be good to share with you some of the
history of the parish. Aurora, like most communities, had Masses celebrated in people’s homes before a church building was erected.
It is believed that the first Mass was celebrated in Aurora at the home of Andrew and Ann McGordon on 26 January 1841. The home
was located on the East side of Main Street across the street from the Aurora Inn. Mass continued to be celebrated in private homes
by priests visiting from Auburn parishes.
The first pastors in Aurora, were appointed by The Most Reverend John Timon, C.M., the first Bishop of Buffalo. He appointed
Rev. William Quigley as the first Pastor of Aurora in 1851. He was followed by Rev. Nicholas Byrne in 1853. Father Byrne purchased
a house and lot on Dublin Hill from Thomas Callan. The former Callan house began to be used for Sunday Mass in 1855. The church
was named St. Agnes. It quickly became too small to hold the congregation, so the building was enlarged during the pastorate of
Father John Touhy.
On March 3, 1868, Aurora became part of the newly established Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester. In 1870 Father Bernard
McCool purchased land from Colonel Edwin B. Morgan as a location for a new church. Under the then pastor Father Eugene Pagani,
ground was broken for St. Patrick Church in the fall of 1972. The Rt. Rev. Bernard J. McQuaid, the First Bishop of Rochester, presided at the laying of the cornerstone on July 6, 1873, and returned to Aurora for the dedication of the new church on October 11, 1874.
The design for St. Patrick’s came from a pattern book, Ten Working Designs for Catholic Churches, published in 1869. Two
local men, Martin Maloney, a mason, and Samuel D. Mandell, a woodworker, along with other local workers, built the church following the directions of the pattern book. The cost of the original church building was $8,200. The stained-glass windows were donated
by parishioners.
2 Through the years some changes to the original church took place. In 1895 a sacristy was added on the southside of the church,
then, in 1907, the previously flat west wall was opened, and the wide semi-domed sanctuary was constructed. In 1931 a rood-beam
with a large Crucifix was installed in the sanctuary.
Through the years, anniversaries of the dedication of the church have been held. In 1924, the Golden Jubilee of St. Patrick
Church took place with the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Hickey, Bishop of Rochester officiating. A jubilee sermon was given by Bishop Hickey
in which he paid tribute to the faith and spirit of sacrifice of the early Catholics of Aurora. A centennial year of celebration was inaugurated with a celebration of Confirmation by Bishop Joseph L. Hogan on Sunday, October 28, 1973, one hundred years after the laying of the cornerstone of the church. There were fifty-three parishioners of St. Patrick Church, Aurora and St. Michael Church in Union Springs receiving Confirmation that day.
For more information on the history of St. Patrick Church, visit “Patrick’s Tavern” across the street.
Now we celebrate 150 years of St. Patrick Church! There have been many changes in our world and in our Church, and in our
communities over those years, but one thing remains constant: our faith in Jesus Christ, Our Lord. We continue to celebrate the
Eucharist together each Sunday to be reminded that Jesus is with us always. Nourishing us with the gift of his Body and Blood and
enabling us to be His living Presence in the world. May our faith in Jesus our Lord live on from generation to generation until He
comes again!. God’s blessings and peace, Fr. Bill

Starting Sunday evening I will be attending a Priest Retreat at Notre Dame Retreat House in Canandaigua. I am looking forward to some quiet time of prayer and reflection with some of the priests of our diocese.
Msgr. Thomas Caserta of the Brooklyn Diocese will be our Retreat Director. The topic for this retreat—which is June 2-6—is
“The Questions of Jesus to his Priests.” As he explains about this topic, “We often ask so many questions of the Lord in prayer.
This retreat will attempt to have us reflect on some of the questions Jesus asks in the gospels, especially as they are directed to
priestly life and ministry.”
We are fortunate that Notre Dame Retreat House is available to the priests and laity. The new administration group is doing
a wonderful job in offering retreats and days of prayer for our spiritual growth and development. I encourage you to take the
opportunity to participate in the events they hold at Notre Dame overlooking Canandaigua Lake. Some of their upcoming events and
the contact information for the Retreat House are listed in this bulletin.
I will be back from retreat to celebrate confessions, First Friday Mass and Benediction at Our Lady of the Lake, on June 7.
The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus will be celebrated that day..

Next weekend, June 8-9, Father Monahan will be coming in to speak on behalf of Food for the Poor. He will be celebrating
Mass and sharing with you about the ongoing ministry of Food For the Poor. No second collection will be taken up at the Masses,
but Father Monahan will be leaving materials as to how you can support their ministry.
With Father Monahan celebrating Masses on the weekend I am taking a few days of vacation, so you will notice there will be
no daily Masses while I am on retreat and no daily Masses will be offered on June 10th to June 12th.
I will be returning Thursday, June 13 for the 4:00pm Mass at St. Michael Church, and for The Pastoral Council Picnic meeting
that evening at 6:00pm at St. Patrick, Aurora.

Today we celebrate the Feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. On this feast we are called to reflect on the
Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and to thank God for this spiritual food that sustains us on our journey of life . The feast is a
reminder to us that we are a Eucharistic people, called to be the living Body of Christ in the world. Each time we celebrate the
Eucharist, and receive the Body of Christ, the divine presence of Jesus enters our very being. Empowered by His Presence, may we
live our lives in union with God as His church on earth.

On Pentecost Sunday, we prayed over the names of parishioners who accepted nominations to serve as Pastoral Council members. This year we had ten parishioners who accepted nominations to serve! After we prayed the following names were selected:
Frank Sciortino, who attends St. Michael Church in Union Springs, and Kelley Ford, from St. Patrick Church, Moravia. Congratulations to Frank and Kelley, many thanks for your willingness to serve. I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you the wisdom and gifts you will need as you begin this new role of service. June is a month of transition for our Pastoral Council. Paul and Frank and Kelley will be joining Lori Kupiec, Cathy Shields, Paul Nelson and Jim Orman on the Council for the coming year.

This week we will be holding a picnic meeting of the Pastoral Council at St. Patrick in Aurora at 6:00p.m. At the June meeting we
always invite the new members of the Council who are beginning their terms of service to attend. After sharing a meal together, the
business aspect of the meeting will take place. I would like to thank all the members of the Council for their service to our parish. As
we welcome new members I would like to thank the out-going members for their time of service: Tom Steger, Joe Gagnon, and our
youth –rep this past year, Nora Burroughs. I thank them all for their willingness to serve as Pastoral Council members and pray that
the Holy Spirit will give them direction as to how they can continue to serve God’s people in the future. Remember we are all called by
God to serve in one way or the other throughout our lives! God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

This weekend we end the Easter Season with the Feast of Pentecost. The gift of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples marks the
final aspect of the Paschal Mystery – the Suffering, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord and the Descent of the Holy Spirit
upon his followers. With the close of the Easter Season we are back into Ordinary Time on the liturgical calendar. But, the next two
Sundays we will not see the priest or deacon wearing the green vestments of Ordinary Time because Pentecost is follow by two great
feasts of the church year; Trinity Sunday followed by the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.
In a way I have always viewed these three great feasts as strongly connected together. They teach us about the nature of
God as Trinity and the mystery of how God has called us to live in that divine Triune community of love. Through the Paschal Mystery,
Jesus opened for us the pathway to eternal life with God. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, Jesus has enabled us to be new creations
in His love, and through the Holy Spirit he continues to teach us and guide us. Also, through the power of the Holy Spirit he has left us
the gift of His Body and Blood to infuse us with his presence, that we as Church, as the living Body of Christ in the world, may grow in
holiness and be drawn into the oneness of God. We may never experience that oneness completely until we rest in the divine presence of God in heaven, but as we journey together as church may we strive to be one with the mind and heart of Christ in service to
one another and all our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
As we select new Pastoral Council members from our Spirit Bowl on this Feast of Pentecost, I thought it would be good to once
again share with you our parish Vision and Mission statements to help us reflect on how we as a parish are called to be God’s instruments of evangelizing our neighborhoods, our parish, our country and ultimately our world. This Feast of Pentecost reminds us that
Jesus has kept His promise; He has sent to us the Holy Spirit to teach us and empower us to love one another as He has loved us.
Let us always remember to draw our strength from the Holy Spirit to do the will of the Father as Jesus did. In doing so we will help to
fulfill the mission of God and be drawn into the loving relationship of God. Below you will find Good Shepherd Catholic Community’s
Vision and Mission statements.. God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

Pastoral Council Nominations
Spring is in the air! Each spring is the time our parish replaces current members of the parish Pastoral Council whose terms are
coming to a close. The selection process takes as its model the selection of an Apostle after the death of Judas to bring their number back to twelve. The Apostles determined qualifications for the one to be chosen, then they nominated two disciples, prayed over
the names and then drew lots; and Matthias was chosen and was added to the eleven. For the next two weekends we will be taking
nominations for people to serve as Pastoral Council Representatives. Then on the Feast of Pentecost, we will be selecting those who
will serve three year terms. Please read the qualifications listed below for a Pastoral Council Representative and pray about whom
you think God is calling to serve the parish in this ministry.
SELECTION PROCESS: Nominations will be accepted either by self-nomination, or by being nominated by another person.
Nominees will be contacted to ascertain their willingness to become candidates.
Nominees/Council Members should be:

  • a Confirmed Catholic, 18 years of age or older;
  • a registered parishioner of GSCC for at least six months;
  • a participant in the ongoing life of the parish, especially the celebration of the weekend Eucharist;
  • a responsible parishioner who possesses the following characteristics:
  • a desire for spiritual growth – a faith that is alive and gospel-oriented;
  • an enthusiasm about the future of the parish – a balanced and open-minded outlook;
  • a willingness to listen, to speak honestly, and to be respectful;
  • a willingness to work as a team member and to work toward consensus;
  • a willingness to make a commitment of time and talent – actively participating in council meetings, and volunteering for
  • council member tasks;
  • a willingness to represent the entire parish, while acting as a liaison to one of our weekend worship sites and enabling
  • ongoing communications between the Pastor and the parishioners.

Two selected representatives will be randomly chosen during Mass at one of our worship sites on Pentecost, May 19th.
Current members will not be eligible for re-selection after their first term, but they can be eligible for selection again after one year off
the Parish Council. Newly selected members will begin their service during the June meeting, held this year on June 13. Meetings
are usually held on the third Thursday of the month. Normally no meetings are held in July, August, Dec., and the weeks near Easter.
Our current Pastoral Council members are: Tom Steger, Joe Gagnon, and Paul Nelson, St. Patrick/Moravia, Lori Kupiec,
St. Michael; Jim Orman, St. Patrick/Aurora; and Cathy Shields, OLOL, King Ferry. The two council members finishing their term of
service on the Pastoral Council are, Joe Gagnon and Tom Steger, St. Patrick/Moravia. Also, Nora Burroughs, SPA, is completing a
first year of service as our Youth Representative. I thank all the Council members who have served this year and I again ask all
parishioners to pray about this nomination process and submit names for nomination to the Pastoral Council.
God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

The Fourth Sunday of Easter on our current liturgical calendar is referred to as Good Shepherd Sunday. It was given this
title because the Gospel reading each year is taken from the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John in which Jesus refers to himself as
the Good Shepherd. “ I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.“ (Jn 10:11) Different segments of the
tenth chapter of the Gospel of John are used each year, but they all make reference to Jesus as the Good Shepherd leading his
Since 1964, Good Shepherd Sunday, has also been designated as a World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Praying for and
promoting vocations in the church is the work of all of us who have been baptized into new life. As we hear the voice of the Good
Shepherd we are called to follow where he leads us. Pope Francis in speaking of this year’s World Day of Prayer for Vocations,
said,” Dear friends, on this day in particular, but also in the ordinary pastoral life of our communities, I ask the Church to
continue to promote vocations. May she touch the hearts of the faithful and enable each of them to discover with gratitude
God’s call in their lives, to find courage to say ‘yes’ to God.”
Each of us is being called by the Good Shepherd to new life in Him. To discover how we are to live our lives in Christ, we
need to open our hearts to Jesus and ask him to reveal his plan for us. When we do so with sincerity in our hearts, I truly believe that
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will show us the way to follow. For myself, nearly fifty years ago, I heard the Good Shepherd calling me
to follow by entering the seminary and beginning my studies for the priesthood. But, before I entered the seminary I simply began to
ask God in prayer what He wanted me to do in my life. I began to seek what God’s will was for me. When I began seeking His will,
God helped me to discern in what direction he was leading me. On entering the seminary I remember praying, “God if you want me
to be a priest, you need to open the right doors for me, and close the wrong ones.” I believe that God answered my simple prayer in
many ways as I journeyed through my years in the seminary. On April 30th,1982, I accepted God’s will for me and was ordained to
the priesthood. I am so glad I said ‘yes’ to God’s will for my life.
We are each being call to a vocation in life, to a vocation in the Church. God wants us all to realize whatever vocation He
calls us to, we are being asked to model our lives after Jesus, and to lay down our lives in service of Him.
This Sunday, as we reflect on the Good Shepherd, whose title we have chosen for our parish, may we make a commitment
to pray for vocations, beginning with our own, that each of us may follow the Good Shepherd. I am including in this bulletin two prayers. One asking for Vocations to the Priesthood and another asking for discernment as to God’s plan for our lives. May we always
encourage each other and pray for each other, that we, in love and truth, live out our vocations in Christ.
God’s Easter blessings and peace, Father Bill

Convocation: This week on Monday through Wednesday, I will be joining Bishop Matano, the priests, and Pastoral Administrators in our Diocese for the annual Convocation. We will be meeting at the Radisson Hotel in Corning, New York.
Our keynote speaker will be Father Robert P. Imbelli. Father Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, studied in Rome during the years of the Second Vatican Council and was ordained there in 1965. He received his S.T.L. from the Gregorian University and his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Yale University. Father Imbelli taught theology at Saint Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, and Maryknoll School of Theology.
He then taught at Boston College for twenty-seven years and is now Emeritus. His book, Rekindling the Christic Imagination: Theological Meditations on the New Evangelization (Liturgical Press), received a firstplace award from the Catholic Publishers Association. A volume on his work, The Center Is Jesus Christ Himself, edited by Andrew Meszaros, was published in 2021 by Catholic University of America Press. His collected essays and reviews are being published by Word on Fire Academic under the title, Christ Brings All Newness.
With the solar eclipse happening on the same day as we gather for Convocation, our schedule for this year has been adjusted: the opening and first talk will be after dinner in the evening. Hopefully, it will allow us all to get a glimpse of the eclipse in the afternoon.
I am looking forward to the opportunity to spend time with the priests and pastoral leaders in our diocese.
It is only on occasions like this that we have the chance to catch up with one another, and to pray and socialize together. When we gather it also brings to mind, the pastors and retired priests that I have lived with during my priesthood who have died. They all taught me so much and I am ever grateful that they were an important part of my life. I remember and thank, Fr. Jack O’Connor, Msgr. Les Whalen, Fr. Michael Conboy,
Fr. Gene Sweeney, Fr. George Wiant, Fr. Ray Wahl, and Fr. Jack Hedges. May they rest in peace. Please
pray for us as we gather this week. God’s blessings and peace,
Father Bill

He has Risen! Alleluia, Alleluia!

Easter is the season of New Life. In this time of the year in our area of the world we see new life springing forth from the cold
tomb of winter as flowers bud through the reawakened earth. We see the birds returning from their southern sojourn to build their
nests; we see the lambs and other new born animals nursing at their mother’s side. The signs of new life are all around us! The greatest signs of new life of this Easter Season hopefully, are experienced within us! Jesus has died and is risen to give us new life! A ew life that He wants us to experience each day as we live with Him here on earth and as we journey to live with Him eternally in heaven. The gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus has given us through His death and resurrection is the ever abiding gift of God’s presence that helps us to experience new life and become new creations in Christ.
During the Easter Season the gospel readings at Mass focus on the resurrection accounts of how the disciples of Jesus encountered the Risen Lord. The Easter Season is also a time when the lectionary for Mass presents us with readings from the Acts of the Apostles that tell us of the lived experience of Jesus’ followers after his death and resurrection. We as church read and reflect on the ways that the early church encountered the Risen Christ. We hear the accounts of how they were led by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel message to the world. May we reflect on how they, as a community of faith, were formed by the Word of God and lead by the Holy Spirit to spread the Good News. May our reflection on the lived faith experience of the early church help us to see more clearly how we are to follow the Risen Christ each day and proclaim His love to the world.
As we journey through the Easter season, I encourage you to seek the grace of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pray that the Holy
Spirit may empower us in our daily life, to embrace the opportunities we have to share the good news with others and the strength to
carry the crosses that come our way. May we always remember we are called to be the visible presence of the Risen Christ to one
another and to the people in our world.. As we gather together each week in faith to celebrate the Eucharist, may we support each
other in prayer as the living Body of Christ.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the musicians, various liturgical ministers and all those who helped with the Holy
Week services, and the cleaning and decorating of the churches for this holy season. Your commitment and willingness to share your
talents is greatly appreciated. May you and your families be filled with Easter joy and experience the grace of the Risen Lord and the
power of the Holy Spirit helping you to become new creations in Christ.
May the Risen Christ be with you.
Happy Easter! Father Bill

This Sunday is known as Laetáre Sunday. The opening antiphon of the Mass begins, “Laetáre Jerúsalem” or, “Rejoice Jerusalem!”
At this halfway point of Lent we take a brief break in the season of penance to remind ourselves that the season of Lent exists to prepare us for the joy that awaits, a joy that we have already received: the joy of the resurrected Christ. Today the Mass vestments are rose-colored, as a sign to us that we are fast approaching Easter!
There will be a Lenten Communal Penance Service for all the churches of Auburn and Cayuga County on Monday, March 18th
at 7:00 pm at St. Mary’s Church. Several priests will be available for confession and absolution. There are also Individual times for confession this coming week at Our Lady of the Lake Church, on Tuesday, March 12, from 6:30—7:30 p.m., following the Stations of the Cross. I encourage you to receive the grace of the Sacrament of Penance before Easter. God’s blessings and peace, Father

A few months ago our bulletin company, LPI, started printing the front page of our bulletins in color. I began using more
images that had color to optimize the new format, but the images we had used in the past for the Good Shepherd were done only in black and white. For a few weeks I began using a color image of the Good Shepherd that was available from LPI, but it didn’t convey the image I had in my mind of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. So I asked Tom Steger, who this year chairs our Parish Pastoral Council, if he would be willing to paint a Good Shepherd image for the bulletin as well as paint the lake scene Welcome picture for the bulletin cover. Tom very graciously started right away working on the project. This weeks bulletin cover is the unveiling of his artistic efforts.
Thank you Tom, you did a great job, and thank you for sharing with us your artistic talents! May the Good Shepherd aways bless you and lead you to the Father’s love. God’s blessings and peace,

Lent is a season when we are called to grow in our relationship with God and with one another.  Each of us is called by God to live out the greatest commandments, “to love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)  Jesus also taught us that when we give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, welcome to the stranger, clothes to the naked, comfort to the sick, and when we visit the imprisoned we are doing so to Jesus himself. Many of our church’s formal ministries have been based on helping to meet these human needs. But, as Christians each one of us is asked by God through our baptismal calling to serve our brothers and sisters, especially those in need.
I am amazed by how many people I see who reach out on a regular basis to their elderly neighbors by giving them a call or stopping by for a visit. So many of our elderly brothers and sisters live alone, and that phone call or visit not only gives them much needed contact with others, it can also be life-saving, especially in the winter.  If people run out of fuel or if there is a power failure the temperature can quickly drop in people’s homes and become life threating.  As we journey through the rest of this cold and windy time of year, take the time to check in on your elderly neighbors, especially those who live alone. Many times it is that concerned and compassionate neighbor checking in on an elderly person, who is the one who finds them after they have fallen or are in need of help.  
                                                                                                               God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

This Wednesday, February 14, we will begin our forty-day Lenten journey towards the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection on
Easter Sunday. The symbol of ashes that we receive on Ash Wednesday is a reminder to us of our mortality and the call to repent, to turn away from sin and the temptations that lead us to sin, and to believe the Good News. Lent is a time for us to take stock of ourselves; a time to make a personal inventory of how we are responding to the call of the Lord to live a life of holiness as children of God led by the Holy Spirit. The forty days of Lent can be a time of great personal and spiritual growth if we take the time to work on our relationships with God, and with one another. To assist you in your daily prayer during Lent, The Little Black Book, and The Word Among Us, devotional booklets are available at our churches for a freewill offering.

I encourage you to make some personal decisions as to how you might grow in your faith and in your relationship to God during Lent. Some things to consider doing during Lent might be: participating in a weekday Mass, spending some time each day in personal prayer, visiting the church and praying before the Blessed Sacrament, taking time as a family to reflect on Bible stories or readings, praying the Stations of the Cross, pray the rosary daily for peace in our world, pray together as a family or as a couple, learning more about injustices in the world and what you can do to address them, reaching out to a person in need, visiting a housebound parishioner or neighbor, participating in Operation Rice Bowl. First, pray about what personal decisions you can commit to during Lent, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to discipline yourself to do them. You might find that the discipline of Lent will fill your lives with many blessings, and your hearts with peace. A schedule of Lenten events is enclosed in this bulletin.

CRS Rice Bowl is once again our parish Lenten alms giving program. This Catholic Relief Services Lenten program helps
people in developing countries to break the cycle of poverty by developing skills and means to provide for their families. Experience how families around the world live, work and play in a series of short Stories of Hope at CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-action program. It offers opportunities for your family to engage daily with the spiritual pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. During the 40 days of Lent, we will encounter the stories about our global family in Uganda, El Salvador, and Indonesia. We’ll learn how hard-working families are overcoming challenges to build a better life and provide their children with the opportunity to attend school and purse their dreams. I’m excited to take this journey with our parish community, and to connect the prayer and reflections of each of the families in our global community of faith. I hope you will take home a CRS Rice Bowl, located in the church vestibules and at the parish office.

Catholic Ministries Appeal Update We are very close to reaching our parish goal. As of February 5, 100 parishioner households of Good Shepherd Catholic Community have pledged or given $37,908 or 92.46% of our parish goal of $41,000. I extend a special thanks to all those who have given or made pledges to our annual appeal. Your gift helps make possible the many ministries of outreach and parish support that are funded by the CMA. If you have not yet given this year’s appeal, please consider doing so today in support of our Diocesan Ministries. Let’s reach our parish goal by Easter. Have a blessed and prayerful Lent.
God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

The weather the past three weeks has been a challenge. Between the frigid cold, the snow, and the wind causing drifts, it
hasn’t been fun driving! Thought I was headed into a ditch on one trip coming out of Locke. Thank God I got the car under control. I have noticed that Mass attendance has been down this month, mainly I believe due to the weather, but I have heard that many families are also dealing with illnesses. Please be pray that those who are sick may quickly recover. Hopefully, the winter weather will end soon. This coming Friday is Ground Hogs Day, February 2nd. The tradition goes if when the groundhog comes out of his hole on that day and sees his shadow, we are in for six more weeks of winter! Let’s pray that Friday is a cloudy day so that his shadow doesn’t appear! Chances are though, whether he sees his shadow or not, we likely will have six more weeks of winter.
February 2nd on the church calendar, is the Feast day of the Presentation of the Lord, it is also called Candlemas, A day that
traditionally candles are blessed. This year it falls on First Friday and we will have a procession with lit candles as we begin the First Friday Mass at 9:00 am at Our Lady of the Lake Church in King Ferry. Saturday, is the Feast of Saint Blaise, the tradition of blessing throats takes place on that day. We will be calling on the intercession of St. Blaise and blessing throats at the Masses next weekend .
I seem to remember that when I was a boy the blessing took place with lighted candles. I am glad we no longer do so; I would rather have a sore throat than third degree burns!
I remember years ago when I was celebrating Easter Sunday Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church in Port Byron, we decided to have the servers carry lighted candles in the procession to begin Mass.. We were lining up to begin Mass when suddenly the
Altar girl’s bangs caught on fire! Fortunately, her skin didn’t get burned as we quickly stopped the sizzling banks from doing further damage. Since then I am extra glad we don’t use lighted candles for the St. Blaise day blessing.
God’s Blessings and peace, Father Bill

As we celebrate in this joyful time of the Octave of Christmas on this Feast of the Holy Family, our hearts are filled with hope as we
enter the New Year. But in the midst of joy, the sadness of death is experienced by some families. A first Christmas after the death of
a loved one is often difficult for family and close friends. I ask you to pray for the relatives and friends who have died during 2023. The
following is a list of the funerals we celebrated in our parishes and those who were buried in our cemeteries. Please pray for their
souls and for their families and friends. Pray also for all the loved ones of our parishioners who died in 2023 whose funerals and burials
were in other places. May they rest in Peace.

St. Michael Church
John Kula
Ron Erickson
Barbara Smith
Johan Lehtonen
Glenn Bundy

St. Patrick Church, Moravia St. Patrick Cemetery, Moravia
Florence Blake
Bernard Hein
Kenneth Steger
Joan Meyers

Our Lady of the Lake, Cemetery
Marcia Jean Helbig
Agnes Zavaski
Carol Ann Reeves

St. Bernard Cemetery
Joan Heffernan
Marian P. Hickey
William J. Ravas, Jr
Thomas Ryan
Anita Ryan

Our Lady of the Lake, Church
Veronica Baird
Robert Franklin
Pauline Lippincott

St. Patrick Church, Aurora – St. Patrick Cemetery, Aurora
Francis Piechuta
Kevin VanOrman
Bernard Shaw
Gary Finch

In an insert in the bulletin today is a financial report for Good Shepherd Catholic Community. The fiscal year for our parish runs from July 1 to June 30. There are two reports included in the bulletin insert; one is a Balance Statement and the second is a statement of Revenues and Expenditures (sometimes called an Income Statement). The Balance Sheet report shows where we stood at the close of the fiscal
year 2022/23. The Total Assets are all the money held by the parish in various accounts, and the Total Liabilities on the Balance Sheet are all the accounts that we have a responsibility to pay in the future. The Fund Balance is the Total Assets minus the Total Liabilities.
The Statement of Revenue and Expenditures includes the actual amounts of money we took in and paid out in the fiscal year (fy) ending 6/30/23. The Net Operating Revenue does not include Changes in Investment Market Value or the Affiliated Organizations like the Altar Rosary Societies, nor does it include the expenses for major building repairs or purchases. They are considered Capital Purchases that are over
and above our day-to-day operating costs, and are listed under Non-Operating Revenues and Expenditures. The Net Revenue includes all the money we took in and paid out during the year, whether they were Operating or Non-Operating. During the fiscal year 2022/23 we had a Net Operating surplus of $35,545.
We had budgeted a surplus of $28,491 to help offset $30,000 that we budgeted for Capital Expenditures for the year, a Non-Operating Expense. We actually spent $44,095 this year on capital improvements since in the prior year we did not use monies budgeted for capital improvements. The major projects were the painting of the interior of St. Patrick Church, Moravia, and a new roof on the parish house in Moravia.
We did receive $40,880 in Employee Retention Credit this year, and a $25,273 change in the market value of our investments in the Communis Fund. These funds helped us offset an expense for the Channeling Injunction we paid in the bankruptcy process the Diocese is going through. The Channeling Injunction protects the parish from future claims. The bankruptcy process is still ongoing but hopefully an agreement will be reached soon to bring about a final settlement for the injured parties. Please pray for healing and strength for all who were abused. Because of the additional expense for the Channeling Injunction, the Total Net Revenue for the fiscal year was a deficit of $57,054. But we were able to pay for it without having to take monies out of the investment funds.
For the fiscal year 2022/23 that ended June 30, 2023, the average weekly offering from our regular collections was $5,166. The 2023/2024 budget calls for an average weekly offering from our regular collections of $5,230 or a $64 increase in the parish weekly offering. So far in the first quarter of the 2023/2024 fiscal year, with the help of our summer parishioners, and our two holiday weekend fuel collections, we
have averaged $5,762. Hopefully, we will continue to meet our budgeted amount as our number of parishioners grows less in the winter months. I thank you all for your continuous generous support of the parish.
You will also notice in this report the amounts of the second collections that are taken up during the year. The totals listed are the amounts our parish contributed to the National and Diocesan collections this past fiscal year.
The final Catholic Ministry Appeal (CMA) report for the 2022/2023 Appeal for Good Shepherd
was: 104 gifts totaling $40,100.
Our parish goal was $40,000. Since all our pledges were fulfilled, we exceeded the goal by $100. 50% of the overage, or $50 was returned to the parish. I thank you for your support in helping the parish reach its CMA goal. This year’s goal is $41,000. I ask once again that you give your financial support, and offer your prayers, that we again reach our parish goal in support of the Catholic
Ministry Appeal. Thanks again for all your generous support. God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

Prayer for Priesthood Vocations

Almighty and eternal God, in your unfailing love you have provided ministers for your Church. Grant us in
our day worthy and fitting priests to serve and sanctify your people. Inspire a generous and courageous response in the hearts of your people, and increase the ranks of the Order of Priests. Confirm and sustain
those who are already ordained to carry on the work of Christ, the Good Shepherd, preaching the Gospel and
bringing your holy people into one in Christ. We make this prayer in the name of Christ the Lord. Amen.