Notes from Father Bill

I share with you today this teaching of the church of who we are as God’s pilgrim people as we await the fulfillment of our salvation ,
the Second coming of the Lord.
From “Lumen gentium”, the Second Vatican Council’s dogmatic constitution on the Church
The eschatological character of the pilgrim Church

“The Church, to which we are all called in Christ Jesus and in which we acquire holiness through the grace of God, will reach its
perfection only in the glory of heaven, when the time comes for the renewal of all things, and the whole world, which is intimately
bound up with man and reaches its perfection through him, will, along with the human race, be perfectly restored in Christ.
Lifted above the earth, Christ drew all things to himself. Rising from the dead, he sent his life-giving Spirit upon his disciples, and
through the Spirit established his Body, which is the Church, as the universal sacrament of salvation. Seated at the right hand of the
Father, he works unceasingly in the world, to draw men into the Church and through it to join them more closely to himself, nourishing
them with his own body and blood, and so making them share in his life of glory.
The promised renewal that we look for has already begun in Christ. It is continued in the mission of the Holy Spirit. Through the
Spirit it goes on developing in the Church: there we are taught by faith about the meaning also of our life on earth as we bring to fulfilment – with hope in the blessings that are to come – the work that has been entrusted to us in the world by the Father, and so work
out our salvation.
The end of the ages is already with us. The renewal of the world has been established, and cannot be revoked. In our era it is in a
true sense anticipated: the Church on earth is already sealed by genuine, if imperfect, holiness. Yet, until a new heaven and a new
earth are built as the dwelling place of justice, the pilgrim Church, in its sacraments and institutions belonging to this world of time,
bears the likeness of this passing world. It lives in the midst of a creation still groaning and in travail as it waits for the sons of God to
be revealed in glory.

This week we celebrate the feasts of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. These are special days when we remember those that
have gone before us. Each of our lives has been touched by holy men and women who have allowed the love of God to flow through them in ways that have strengthened our own faith. We thank God for the example of holiness that they gave us and we ask all the saints to pray for us that we in turn may be examples of faith and love for those we meet each day.
The anticipated Mass for All Saints Day is always celebrated on Halloween. This year I have scheduled the anticipated Mass to
be celebrated at St. Patrick, Aurora at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, October 31. Other Masses on All Saints Day, Friday, November 1st, are at12 Noon, at St. Michael, Union Springs, 5:30 p.m. at St. Patrick, Moravia and 7:00 Our Lady of the Lakes, King Ferry.
Remember All Saints Day is a Holy Day of obligation.
On All Souls Day we remember the souls of all the departed, especially members of our parishes and families who have died.
This year All Souls Day, is Saturday, November 2. The only Mass that day will be the afternoon Mass at St. Michael Church in Union Springs, which will be the anticipated Mass for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. Two of the Sunday Masses on November 3, will be offered for All Souls. Also, during the month of November, a Mass will be celebrated at one of our churches each week for the souls of all the departed, especially those whose names are mentioned on the All Souls Day Remembrance envelopes or in the Remembrance books that can be found in each of our churches.
Month of Remembrance November is a month of remembrance in many ways. Besides remembering our deceased on All Saints and All Souls days, we are called to remember to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5. May we pray that all those who are elected to public office may be people of honesty, justice and peace who always remember the needs of the poor and the powerless and who strive to promote the common good.
On Monday, November 11, we celebrate Veterans Day. On Veterans Day we are called to remember those who have served
our country in the military. We pray for those who have died in the service of our country and we pray for all the men and women who are currently serving in the armed forces. November is also the month we celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of the Month. This year it is celebrated on November 28th. May we remember all the blessings God has bestowed upon us and give thanks to our creator. Mass will be celebrated on Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 a.m. at St. Patrick Church, Aurora. There will be no Mass on Friday, November 29th.
Enjoy the Fall weather . God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

In an insert in the bulletin today is a financial report for Good Shepherd Catholic Community. The fiscal year for our parish runs
from July 1 to June 30. There are two reports included in the bulletin insert; one is a Balance Statement and the second is a statement of Revenues and Expenditures (sometimes called an Income Statement). The Balance Sheet report shows where we stood at the close of the fiscal year 2023/24. The Total Assets are all the money held by the parish in various accounts, and the Total Liabilities on the Balance Sheet are all the accounts that we have a responsibility to pay in the future. The Fund Balance is the Total Assets minus the Total Liabilities.
The Statement of Revenue and Expenditures includes the actual amounts of money we took in and paid out in the fiscal year
(fy) ending 6/30/24. The Net Operating Revenue does not include Changes in Investment Market Value or the Affiliated Organizations like the Altar Rosary Societies, nor does it include the expenses for major building repairs or purchases. They are considered Capital Purchases that are over and above our day-to-day operating costs and are listed under Non-Operating Revenues and Expenditures.
The Net Revenue includes all the money we took in and paid out during the year, whether they were Operating or Non-Operating.
During the fiscal year 2023/24 we had a Net Operating surplus of $40,188. We had budgeted a surplus of $9,981 to help
offset $25,000 that we budgeted for Capital Expenditures for the year, a Non-Operating Expense. We had no capital improvements completed in the Fiscal Year 2023/24, but projects are underway. In the current Budget we have budgeted $50,000 for capital improvements, so last year’s surplus will help us to pay for the capital improvements in this year’s budget.
We also had an increase of $32,414 in the market value of our investments in the Communis Fund, which was the other
major factor contributing to our Total Net Revenue for the 2023/24 Fiscal being $72,277.
The bankruptcy process is still ongoing in the courts. But, hopefully an agreement will be reached soon to bring about a final
settlement for the injured parties. Please pray for healing and strength for all who were abused.
For the fiscal year 2023/24 that ended June 30, 2024, the average weekly offering from our regular collections was $5,605.
The 2024/2025 budget calls for an average weekly offering from our regular collections of $5,727 or a $122 increase in the parish weekly offering. So far in the first 16 weeks of the 2024/2025 fiscal year, with the help of our summer parishioners, and our two holiday weekend fuel collections, we have averaged $5,884. Hopefully, we will continue to meet our budgeted amount as our number of parishioners grows less in the winter months. I thank you all for your continuous generous support of the parish.
You will also notice in this report the amounts of the second collections that are taken up during the year. The totals listed are
the amounts our parish contributed to the National and Diocesan collections this past fiscal year.
God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

I noticed this week that the back yard at the rectory is already filling up with leaves! Most of them were from the Black Walnut trees. I
also notice that the squirrels were busy in the tree tops chewing away and dropping the black walnuts to the ground as they try to
prepare a food supply for the coming winter. Yes autumn is upon us! And we know that winter will follow. So to help you be prepared for the winters of life, I thought it would be good to review some of our parish procedures.
People have raised the question how can I get in touch with a priest if I need one? The easiest way is to call the church office in Aurora. The church office number is 315-364-7197. If you cannot reach anyone and it is an emergency, you can call or text me at 607-
761-6117 or email me at
Mass cards for the deceased or for the living can be obtained at the church office in Aurora. Also, Mass cards can be picked up at
any of the churches. In order to arrange a date for a Mass to be celebrated we ask you to call the Parish Office in Aurora. Robin
Driskel, our office administrator, will schedule the Masses for you.
Regarding visitation of the sick and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. I try to visit parishioners in the hospital when I am
informed they have been hospitalized. When you or a member of your family is hospitalized, especially if they enter the hospital
through the emergency room, please inform the admissions office of the hospital that you are Roman Catholic and a member of Good
Shepherd Catholic Community parish, and that you would like someone from the church to visit you. With the new privacy laws, without your permission the hospital cannot give us information that you are in the hospital. Please also call the parish office to inform us
when a family member is in the hospital so we can visit. If you are going to have surgery I encourage you to ask for the Sacrament of
the Anointing of the Sick. Many people ask me if they can receive the sacrament after Mass on the Sunday before their surgery, and I
anoint them and pray for a successful surgery. If anyone is in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the
church office so arrangements can be made. God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

The Budget for Fiscal Year July 1,2024—June 30, 2025, was approved at the Annual Meeting by GSCC’s Finance Council and
Trustees. The Budget calls for a weekly Budgeted Offering of $5, 727.40. The weekly Budgeted Offering consists of the regular envelopes that are for parish expenses. They are the regular Sunday Collection, loose money in the Plate collections at Mass, Electronic giving, and envelopes for Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, Utilities/Fuel collections and the Maintenance collection. The Maintenance collection we started last year and people have responded generously; last fiscal year $13,767 was given through these envelopes. Last year, the Maintenance collection was not reported as part of the weekly Budget Offering. It was reported as a an additional offering. This year I have added it to the weekly total of Budgeted Offerings to reflect the current budget.
This year we have budgeted $50,000 for Capital Improvement projects and an additional $20, 000 for repairs and maintenance.
Since Covid it has been much harder getting projects bid for and completed, we hope in this current fiscal year to accomplish more projects. We are currently having a new furnace installed at OLOL, also the kitchen in the Rectory in Aurora is being renovated and new cabinets are being built to be installed. Also , the Parish House in Moravia has to have some repairs done, and the house will be painted. Also, the trim on St. Patrick Church in Moravia is slated to be painted. Another project to be completed is repairs to the brick work on the windows of St. Michael’s Church Hall. Hopefully, at least these projects will be completed this year.
The Finance Office will be giving us a year end report for the 2023—2024 Fiscal Year will be coming weeks that will give more
details about our financial picture. I assure you though, we are doing well because of your continuous generosity! I thank you for  your support of your parish. God’s blessings and peace, Father Bill

Prayer for Priesthood Vocations

Almighty and eternal God, in your unfailing love you have provided ministers for your Church. Grant us in
our day worthy and fitting priests to serve and sanctify your people. Inspire a generous and courageous response in the hearts of your people, and increase the ranks of the Order of Priests. Confirm and sustain
those who are already ordained to carry on the work of Christ, the Good Shepherd, preaching the Gospel and
bringing your holy people into one in Christ. We make this prayer in the name of Christ the Lord. Amen.